Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Visits and things

Hurst Lodge recently staged a Courtesy week which was a very positive experience and there were lots of doors being held open and 'pleases' and 'thank yous' around the school.   

We will find out at Prize Giving on Wednesday, 6th July who has won the overall prize and the Courtesy Cup.  'Long live good manners!'

Years 1 & 2 had a great day out on Tuesday to RHS Wisley and back at the school the children have all been working furiously on the polytunnel, setting up the irrigation system, potting and getting all our seeds planted.  There will be photographs available on the website next week.

Year 10 Art students and Sixth formers are visiting the Kluckow Gallery  to see the Dali exhibition of prints and sculptures.  They and the Performing Arts students also have the opportunity to visit the 'Degas and the Ballet' and 'Hungarian Photography' exhibitions at the Royal Academy in London.

Rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet and Aesop’s Fables RETOLD are underway in preparation for the Summer Show.

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